One evening we happened upon this sight and thought aliens must have landed.
When we returned the next day to Palau de les Arts, we got to take in the architecture of the various buildings. It's an amazing complex.
Check out the suspended part of the roof on this building.
And here is the shot of the train for dad's sake.
And here is one of the coolest suspension bridges I've ever seen, looking like a giant harp.
We walked down the block to the Oceanographic place, which is like a classy Sea World. I loved the reflection of the clouds in the window panels.
When you can't find someone to take your picture, just look for a building made of mirrors.
Next we hit the beach, which was gorgeous. Soft, warm sand and a slightly cool Mediterranean Sea made for a nice afternoon of laying out. We watched the sailboats.
We played in the sand and watched windsurfers... or maybe they should be called parasail surfers.
They did some amazing stunts, catching alot of air... and I got one great shot of one of them doing it.
It was a fabulous trip to Spain. And now we can say we've done the Med, the Red, and the Dead. Awesome!!
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