During our fabulous 4-day weekend, we got into a discussion on the use, or should I say misuse, of the word "Touché". It must be something gamers have in common, because both my son Mark, and my "2nd son" Josh, use this term extensively. They use it anytime someone makes a point, and sometimes even when no point is made at all. Example incoming...
Marty, my husband, and I tried to explain that it is meant to be used when you make a good point about something, but then someone has a witty or clever comeback that causes you to reconsider your side of the argument or debate, and you grant them that their point is valid, though in sharp contrast to your own... Touché!!
Mark and Josh countered our arguments with the fact that the word "touché" is a French fencing term indicating that your opponent has "touched" you with the tip of his sword, scoring a point. They both proclaimed their own "touché" in making this argument against us. Hmmmm *raises eyebrow*
Yet the best use of the word all weekend came when we went to see the movie Star Trek.

James Kirk's character is about to make a space jump with Hikaru Sulu in order to take out the Romulan mining rig that is boring a hole into Vulcan, when Kirk asks him what hand-to-hand combat training he has had. Sulu answers "Fencing," to which Josh and his friend Nate, both sitting on either side of Sharayah, respond by leaning forward, looking at each other, and proclaiming "Touché!!"
*shakes head*
false. me and nate said it. not josh and nate.