Looking to buy something new? I just loved the artistry of the shop windows. This was one of my favorites.

My "plan to lose it all" has kept me from buying anything. I'm truly thankful for this change God has brought about in my life. A change that has kept me from acquiring things. There is so much I probably would have bought otherwise.
The need to travel lightly is a constant reminder as well, but not as powerful as God's influence to live a life of satisfaction... satisfaction with less.
One of the best places we visited in Malmo was St. Petri's church. Very old and beautiful. We went inside and prayed for our family and friends, and the many in Malmo... in Sweden... in Europe... in the world... who need to know Jesus.

One night while in Sweden, I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep. I often pray for people during these times. Sometimes I feel bad about using God to talk to in order to be soothed back to sleep, but then I think... He probably doesn't mind. This night, instead of praying for people, I decided to just "thank" God for them... for the many people in my life... Marty, Sharayah, Mark, Beth, baby Spicer, Mom, Dad, Don, Blanca, David, Sarah, April, Jim, James, Aaron, Melonia, Will, William, Austin, Christopher, Julia, Alicia, Daniel, Rachel, Joshua, Ryan, Zulema, Meme, Carmen, Alice, Lalo, Angela, the twins, Juan, Dulia, Aaron, Elyse, Glenda, Carol, Bianca, Scott, Maddy, Fathom, Tim, Saundra, Rebecca, Kelly, Kevin, Emmie, Case, Josh, Austin, Gary, Bryce, Pete, Gary, Kevin, David, Rocky, Eric, Blynn, Scottie, Rick, Lori, Sue, Jace, John, Ian, Marivel, Marcela, Mike, Hendrik, Patricia, Cristina, Johan, Werner, Josh, Nate, Chris, Matt, Tegan, Dylan, Jordan, Connor, Shannon, Dave B., Dave C., John, Shawn, Matt, Brennan, Mike, Bryce, Michael, Clemente, Alberto, Rosa, Sonya, and many more... oh so many, many more.