So for Lent Marty started this thing of doing pushups and increasing the number each day, even if by only one. He's already to 400 a day, and at the incremental pace he's going, I don't know how he's going to keep it up, but hey, it's cool.
Recently he bought some Everlast pushup handles, similar to the Perfect Pushup things, but they aren't so heavy. We must travel light with all the traveling we do. So I decided to give it a try. I'm now up to 55 pushups myself. Woohoo!
Now don't get me wrong. He doesn't do one big set of 400 pushups or even sets of 15 or 20 all in a row, and I don't do 55 all at once either. We break them up through out our workout in the evening. I'm typically doing 15 to 20 at a time, and then doing something else. And it's getting easier and easier to reach 20, so I may soon go for more.
Eins, zwei, drei, vier, fünf, sechs, sieben, acht, neun, zehn... that's me counting pushups... in German.
Hopefully this will turn into a habit for life... a healthier life.
Hello world!
6 years ago
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