At first I thought it was too soon, because I'd wanted to be there. But then it hit me that God has, as always, perfect timing. By the time I get there in 2 weeks, the competing grandma will have had her 2 weeks fill, and the new mom and dad may be ready for a small break. Therefore, I will get lots of "BABY TIME!" of my own. Woohoo!
So Nolan Martin Spicer was born at 11:23am Dallas time, 6:23pm Germany time. And there have already been a few pics sent my way, but my favorite so far is the same one my daughter Sharayah posted on her blog. So I'll just post it again.

Is he not absolutely adorable and precious? More precious than the Precious Moment in the pic with him. Just looking at him defines: "precious moment".
Of course, when I finally get back to Texas with my own camera, the pictures will start flowin'.
The second great news we received on Monday, March 29th, was that Mark had proposed to Beth, and Beth said "Yes!". So we'll get to enjoy not only our grandbaby boy, but also a wedding. Yahooooooozie!!
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