Friday morning Josh and I headed to Edmonton. We rented an SUV since his car's clutch was going out, and picked up Shannon, in hopes that the trip would provide her a quick recovery from her... uhhh... sickness ;)
We drove along talking non-stop, such that the 3 hour drive was over in what seemed minutes. It was on the road that I got my favorite pic of Whitewolf. And I must set this up...
Whitewolf is this self-proclaimed "gangsta". He's a tough guy that people don't mess with, and it took alot of effort to craft this image (based on how he describes himself in his middle school years).
As a result, he doesn't smile much for pictures. He tends to have this serious look. But when I met Whitewolf in real life, I discovered something...
something many probably don't realize he possesses...
wait for it...
wait for it...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DIMPLES!
OH... MY... JOSH! He's got this gorgeous smile and dimples! No wonder the girls fall for him so quickly. He's got a grin that would melt butter.

And there I've gone and done it! Quite possibly ruined his image for life, if many of our guildies discover this blog post. All I can say is, "I'm sorry Josh! I couldn't resist!!!"
Anywho... we arrived in Edmonton and met up with Furyian (Dylan), Calith (Jordan), and Bamboochu (Connor). Guildies galore!

We all went to the biggest mall in Canada, where Dylan played tour guide, giving us all the fun facts. We went to dinner at Earl's in the mall, and enjoyed steak and seafood. Next we hit up the indoor amusement park and rode the rollercoaster. Shannon and I screamed and laughed as we looped upside down three times. It was a blast!
Next we went to a big carnival that was in town, called Cap X. Josh was walking along in top gangsta, body guard form. He'd gotten into a fight at the Stampede in Calgary a couple weekends ago, when some drunk guys just started picking on a nerdy guy. He took the bullies down before being taken down himself by a cop. This is why he's one of my heros... because he stands up for the little guy.
We met Melissa and Sarah, two other friends in the Edmonton circle. We hung out listening to some country & western band... why? i don't really know. Not like anyone in this group particularly likes C&W. We took pics of each other and watched the fireworks show.
As we walked back through the ghetto 'hood to where we'd parked our cars, Shannon told Connor (the young one in the group at only 16) that she sure hoped he had a gun. He was like "Nope! Only my wallet & cell phone." The sound of his prepubescent voice rang out down the vacant street lined by crackerbox houses all darkened at this post-bedtime hour. It must have struck him as alarming, because he suddenly spouted, "Wait! I don't have anything. No wallet, no cell phone, no clothes even." To which Shannon responded, "Are you naked?" "Nope," said Connor, "just walking along in my underwear... nothing to see here."
What a cute kid! And he always makes me laugh =D
Shannon and I went to our hotel for the night and the guys dispersed. We had a great "girls' night", solving all of the guild's problems and analyzing the drama surrounding such characters as Beatific and Eldonnia. Who knew two grown females could have so much to say about an mmorpg???