Sunday, August 9, 2009


It's something I would say Josh has alot of, but it also happens to be the name of the restaurant we attended my third night in Calgary. I've often drawn the parallel between Josh and Joshua of the Bible because of his moxie, and because the theme of Justice runs through his life.

Our Moxie's experience was made up of Josh, Mikey (spell check!), Chris, and yet a new guildie to add to my list: Kayleria (Shannon). We enjoyed dinner and conversation and especially that blueberry dessert thing we all shared at the end. It was amazing!

This followed a day of working hard in the yard. Yes, it seems Josh's parents took advantage of his planned days off and ordered a couple of pallets of sod that had to be put down right away. I helped do the weeding and the raking of the dirt. Josh's brother came over to lead the effort. And I had the pleasure of meeting yet another guildie when Garon (Grant) joined us. He's such a nice guy. We've always had fun in game together. I think the first time we met was while dancing on tables in Booty Bay, one of my all time favorite places, if only because of the name.

After Moxie's we went to the mall where I was to be introduced to 5-pin bowling. Alas, the lanes were closing. We went to the movies instead and saw Transformers 2. We worked on getting Talcan, Eagleam, and Kayleria to agree to join us on our excursion the next day to Edmonton.

Talcan already had the day off, but was finding excuses in something about taking apart an Audi. Eagleam was tempted. But it was Kayleria who went all in... devising a plan to call in sick in order to make the escape. Hmmm... I hope no one from her work ever reads this. At least I hope no one from her work who hasn't called in sick when not really sick ever reads this.

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